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Dictionary Suite
airlift the systematic transportation of people or supplies by air when ground routes are impossible or dangerous to use, esp. in a battle zone or during an emergency. [1/2 definitions]
alert to warn or give notice of an emergency or other impending event. [1/3 definitions]
battle station the place to which military personnel or craft are to report in case of attack or emergency.
call box a box containing a telephone, posted on a street or highway, and used to make emergency calls. [1/2 definitions]
call out to summon (someone or something) for help in an emergency. [1/3 definitions]
casualty (chiefly British) the emergency room of a hospital. [1/5 definitions]
civil defense emergency procedures and facilities organized by civilians for the protection of people and property in cases of flood, famine, war, or the like.
come down of an airplane or other aircraft, to crash or make an emergency landing. [1/9 definitions]
crash dive a sudden and rapid emergency dive made by a submarine, esp. to avoid attack.
crash-land to land (an airplane) in an emergency, usu. causing damage to the plane. [2 definitions]
drill1 a call to carry out a series of actions designed for use in emergencies in order to practice these actions and be fully prepared to carry them out in a real emergency. [1/13 definitions]
eject to throw or propel oneself out of an aircraft in an emergency, by use of an ejection seat or capsule. [1/3 definitions]
ejection seat a seat designed to eject from an aircraft during an emergency and parachute to the ground with its occupant.
ER abbreviation of "emergency room."
exigency a situation demanding urgent or immediate attention; emergency. [1/3 definitions]
expedient a means used in an emergency, and not necessarily the best one that could be used; contrivance. [1/4 definitions]
fail-safe protected against failure or breakdown, as by a compensatory or back-up mechanism that begins to function automatically in an emergency. [1/5 definitions]
field hospital a hospital-like facility set up for emergency treatment of soldiers near the fighting zone.
fire escape a fireproof stairway, ladder, or the like, usu. on the outside of a building, used as an emergency exit in case of fire.
first aid emergency medical treatment for injury or sudden illness, administered before regular medical care or more thorough treatment can be obtained.
first-aid kit a kit containing supplies for administering emergency treatment of injuries, poisoning, or sudden illness. It generally contains such things as bandages, antiseptics, and painkillers.