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Dictionary Suite
astrodome a transparent dome mounted on the top of an aircraft fuselage to facilitate the use of navigational or astronomical instruments.
cupola a dome, esp. one that covers all of the underlying structure, as of a circular or hexagonal room. [1/2 definitions]
dome something that has a shape similar to an architectural dome, such as a rounded rock formation or the sky. [4/7 definitions]
domical of or resembling a dome. [1/2 definitions]
geodesic in architecture, of or denoting a structure such as a dome supported by short straight rods that form interlinking polygons. [1/3 definitions]
igloo a shelter typically made by indigenous peoples of the arctic region, often dome-shaped and constructed of blocks of ice or hard snow. [2 definitions]
planetarium an apparatus that projects a representation of the stars, planets, and the like, usu. upon a dome-shaped ceiling. [1/3 definitions]
radome a dome-shaped structure that protects a radar antenna from the weather, esp. on aircraft, without affecting reception.
rotunda a round building or section of a building, esp. one that has a dome. [1/2 definitions]