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Dictionary Suite
dawn the first appearance or beginning of something long-lasting. [1/5 definitions]
dieldrin a highly poisonous, long-lasting insecticide.
durable not easily worn out; long-lasting; sturdy. [1/2 definitions]
enduring long-lasting, permanent, chronic, or persistent. [1/2 definitions]
feud a deep, long-lasting hostility, esp. between families or other related groups, and sometimes with outbreaks of violence. [1/3 definitions]
foam a thick, long-lasting froth produced by chemical means, such as shaving cream or certain fire-extinguishing agents. [1/6 definitions]
japan any of a number of shiny, black, long-lasting varnishes. [1/4 definitions]
live oak the hard, long-lasting wood of these trees, used in shipbuilding and the like. [1/2 definitions]
perm (informal) a process for putting a long-lasting curl or wave in the hair by applying a chemical solution and rolling the hair on curlers; permanent. [2/3 definitions]
persistent enduring or long-lasting. [1/3 definitions]
resonance the quality of having a full, rich, long-lasting or echoing sound; the quality of resounding. [1/5 definitions]
stigma a long-lasting mark or stain on one's character or reputation, esp. of disgrace or reproach. [1/5 definitions]
zinnia any of various plants related to the daisy, native to North and South America, and noted for showy, long-lasting, colorful flowers.