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drudge someone who works at a boring, repetitious, physically demanding, or menial job. [2 definitions]
drudgery hard, boring, menial, or unpleasant work.
fag one who does tiring or menial work; drudge. [1/4 definitions]
flunky one who does unskilled, menial, or trivial tasks. [1/3 definitions]
galley slave a person who does menial or boring work; drudge. [1/2 definitions]
grunt (slang) one who does menial work. [1/7 definitions]
hireling someone who hires himself or herself out, esp. to do menial or unpleasant tasks. [1/2 definitions]
peon someone who does unskilled, menial work for low pay. [1/2 definitions]
scullion a kitchen servant who does the heavy work and menial tasks. [1/2 definitions]
scut work (informal) work that is regarded as tedious, menial, dirty, or otherwise distasteful.
worm's-eye view a view from below, esp. from an inferior or menial position. [1/2 definitions]