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ball lightning a rare form of lightning manifested in the form of a glowing reddish ball, approximately six inches to a foot in diameter, that moves rapidly along the ground or in the air until it disintegrates.
BB a small shot of .18 inch diameter, used in an air rifle or air pistol.
bore1 the interior diameter of a tube or cylinder, esp. the barrel of a firearm. [1/7 definitions]
caldera a large volcanic crater, esp. one whose diameter greatly exceeds that of the vent within it.
caliber the inner diameter of a gun barrel or other tube. [2/3 definitions]
capillary pertaining to or occurring in, or as though in, a tube with a very small internal diameter. [1/6 definitions]
earth (often cap.) the fifth largest planet in the solar system, which is third in order from the sun and has a diameter of about 7,930 miles. [1/4 definitions]
exogenous in botany, of or pertaining to a process of growing in diameter by addition of successive layers under the bark; cambial. [1/2 definitions]
f-number the relative aperture of a camera lens, representing the light it will transmit, which is obtained by dividing the focal length of the lens by the diameter of the aperture.
forty-five a forty-five caliber pistol or revolver, or a cartridge of .45 inches in diameter to be used in such a gun. [2/3 definitions]
ga. abbreviation of "gauge," a standard of measuring, as for the distance between railroad tracks, the thickness of wire, or the inner diameter of shotgun barrels.
gauge a standard of measuring, as for the distance between railroad tracks, the thickness of wire, or the inner diameter of shotgun barrels. [1/7 definitions]
Jupiter the largest planet in the solar system and fifth from the sun, having sixteen satellites and a diameter of about 88,700 miles. [1/2 definitions]
Mars the seventh largest planet in the solar system and fourth from the sun, having two satellites, a diameter of about 4,200 miles, and a ruddy surface that is apparent to the naked eye; the Red Planet. [1/2 definitions]
mercury (cap.) the eighth largest planet of the solar system and the nearest to the sun, having no satellites and a diameter of about 3,000 miles. [1/5 definitions]
mil1 a unit of length equal to one thousandth of an inch or .0254 millimeter, used to measure the diameter of wire or the like. [1/2 definitions]
nadir the point on a heavenly sphere directly below a specified position on the earth's surface and at the other end of the diameter drawn from the zenith. [1/2 definitions]
Neptune the fourth largest planet in the solar system and eighth from the sun, having thirteen satellites and a diameter of about 31,350 miles. [1/2 definitions]
pi a mathematical value equaling the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, expressed as 3.1416 or 22/7. [1/2 definitions]
Pluto a dwarf planet in the Earth's solar system with a highly elliptical orbit and a diameter of 2,370 kilometers, or approximately 1,475 miles. Pluto was formerly considered a planet in the solar system, the smallest and farthest from the sun, but it was reclassified in 2006 as a dwarf. However, the debate about the classification continues in the scientific community. [1/2 definitions]
pushball a game in which two teams each try to push a large heavy ball, about six feet in diameter, across the other's goal. [1/2 definitions]