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bodkin a blunt, large-eyed needle used to draw ribbon, cord, and the like through hems and casings. [1/3 definitions]
cockeyed cross-eyed or having one squinting eye. [1/2 definitions]
cowpea the edible pealike seed of this plant, used as a vegetable; black-eyed pea. [1/2 definitions]
guide dog a specially trained dog used by a blind person as an aid and companion; seeing-eye dog.
Nordic of, pertaining to, belonging to, or characteristic of a Caucasian people found esp. in the Scandinavian countries, who are tall, long-headed, blond, and blue-eyed. [1/2 definitions]
squint to be cross-eyed. [2/6 definitions]
strabismus an abnormality in which the eye or eyes turn inward, preventing proper focusing; cross-eye; squint.