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be (in constructions linking a subject and predicate) to equal or to possess the characteristic or quality of. [1/10 definitions]
copula in grammar, a verb or other word that connects a subject and a predicate, such as "is" in "John is an engineer" and "seem" in "They seem tired"; linking verb. [2/3 definitions]
left over still remaining, not having been consumed, used, or finished at an earlier time (used in the predicate only; not used before a noun). [2 definitions]
linking verb in grammar, a verb that serves mainly to connect a subject and a predicate complement; copula.
objective complement in grammar, a word or word group used in the predicate of a sentence to modify the direct object, such as "a fool" in "I called her a fool".
phrase in grammar, a string of words that has meaning and grammatical order but does not have both a subject and a predicate. [1/11 definitions]
pred. abbreviation of "predicate," in grammar, the part of a sentence that explains the action, effect, or condition of the subject, consisting of the verb and all the words that modify or are affected by the verb
predicate in grammar, belonging or pertaining to the predicate of a sentence. [1/7 definitions]
subject in grammar, a noun or noun equivalent that is one of the two main components of a sentence and that generally names the person, place, thing, or condition which the predicate makes a statement about. [1/14 definitions]
that used to introduce a noun clause serving as the subject or object of the main verb or as a predicate nominative. [1/12 definitions]