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administer to serve or act in a helpful manner; minister (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/5 definitions]
benefit to cause positive results for; be helpful to. [1/5 definitions]
clue to give (someone) a clue or other helpful guidance. [1/2 definitions]
constructive serving to clarify or improve; helpful. [1/3 definitions]
favor a kind or helpful act, usually done in response to another's request. [1/11 definitions]
favorable advantageous, convenient, or helpful. [1/5 definitions]
forthcoming helpful or informative; frank. [1/4 definitions]
friendly kind and helpful. [1/5 definitions]
good turn a helpful act; favor.
kind1 helpful and good-natured; benevolent. [1/2 definitions]
lend to give in a helpful way. [1/4 definitions]
maladaptive not helpful in adaptation to a situation or environment.
productive producing useful or helpful results; constructive. [1/4 definitions]
right-hand most helpful or useful; relied on. [1/3 definitions]
suggestion that which is verbally offered as something that might be possible, useful, helpful, or enjoyable. [1/6 definitions]
unhelpful combined form of helpful.
useful able to be used, esp. in a helpful, practical, or effective way.