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antimacassar a covering, usu. decorative, used on the back or arms of a chair or sofa to protect the upholstery.
denim a finer grade of the same fabric used in upholstery. [1/3 definitions]
frisé a thick upholstery or rug fabric having a pile of uncut loops or a patterned combination of cut and uncut loops.
haircloth a stiff fabric of animal hairs, esp. horsehair woven with cotton, and used for upholstery and interlining.
holland linen or cotton cloth, often glazed, used to make window shades, upholstery, and clothing.
overstuff to pad (furniture) thickly with upholstery. [1/2 definitions]
overstuffed padded with very thick upholstery. [1/2 definitions]
poplin a finely ribbed fabric, usu. made of cotton, used for clothing, draperies, and upholstery.
rep1 a corded or ribbed fabric of silk, cotton, wool, or the like, used esp. for draperies and upholstery.
sailcloth a similar but lighter-weight fabric, used for clothing, upholstery, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
shampoo a liquid cleanser used on rugs, upholstery, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
stuffing that which is or can be stuffed, esp. the fillings used to stuff fowl or the fillings and padding used in upholstery and bedding. [1/2 definitions]
tuft to fasten (a quilt cover, upholstery, or the like) by stitching through to the inside material at points, leaving a clump of thread secured by a knot or button. [1/8 definitions]
velour a fabric with a soft, fuzzy surface like that of velvet, used esp. for clothing and upholstery. [1/2 definitions]
webbing a strong, closely woven fabric used for belts, straps, upholstery, and the like. [1/2 definitions]