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annals a chronological record of events, usu. year by year. [1/3 definitions]
blog shortened form of "Web log," an online journal that may be personal or topical, in which the author makes regular entries that appear in reverse chronological order and can be read by the general public. [1/2 definitions]
calendar a chronological list of important events; schedule. [1/4 definitions]
chronology a chronological list or table, arranged according to the sequence in which things happened. [1/3 definitions]
history a chronological narrative of past events. [1/5 definitions]
mental age an individual's mental ability, measured in terms of the chronological age at which an average person would attain that level of intelligence.
nonchronological combined form of chronological.
opus a work of fine or literary art, esp. a musical composition numbered to indicate its chronological place in the composer's works.
periodization the dividing of history into chronological periods.
synchronism a usu. tabular and chronological listing that illustrates the simultaneousness of historical persons and events. [1/2 definitions]
unchronological combined form of chronological.