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black frost severe cold that blackens living plants without the appearance of frost crystals.
defrost to remove frost or ice from. [1/3 definitions]
defroster a small heater, usu. in a car, for preventing or removing frost.
frost to produce a covering of frost or a frostlike substance on. [3/9 definitions]
frosted given an appearance of frost, as by coating glass with a translucent substance or by coloring ends or strands of hair in a lighter color than the rest of one's hair. [1/4 definitions]
frost line the limit past which frost does not penetrate the soil.
frosty causing or marked by frost; freezing. [2/4 definitions]
Jack Frost the personification of frost or cold weather.
smudge a thickly smoking fire used to repel insects or protect plants from frost. [2/6 definitions]