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beamed ceiling a ceiling that has exposed beams.
birl to rotate (a floating log) by running in place on its exposed surface, as in a contest among lumberjacks.
breathe to be exposed to the flow of the air. [1/10 definitions]
Canada balsam a clear thick yellow resin of a particular fir tree that hardens when exposed to air and is used chiefly as mounting cement in microscopy.
coupé a four-wheeled carriage with an enclosed area for two passengers and an exposed driver's seat. [1/2 definitions]
cross section a planar view exposed by cutting through an object, usu. at right angles to its longitudinal axis. [1/3 definitions]
culture shock the anxiety, irritation, or confusion experienced by someone exposed to a culture with customs or behaviors different from those of his or her own culture.
develop in photography, to treat (exposed film) chemically so as to create a visible image. [1/10 definitions]
developer a chemical used to develop exposed photographic film. [1/2 definitions]
digest to be exposed to softening or disintegrating agents. [1/8 definitions]
dosimeter a portable instrument that measures amounts of radiation, such as gamma rays or x-rays, to which a person has been exposed.
endanger to cause to be exposed to danger. [1/2 definitions]
endangered exposed to danger. [1/2 definitions]
firing line the forefront or most exposed position in any activity or endeavor. [1/3 definitions]
fluor any compound that fluoresces when exposed to radiation, often added to experimental samples as a radiation indicator. [1/2 definitions]
foreshore the part of the shore exposed at low tide and covered at high tide. [1/2 definitions]
half-timbered of a house or other building, having an exposed framework of vertical, horizontal, or diagonal timbers, with the spaces in between filled with plaster or brick.
Haman according to the Old Testament, the grand vizier of the Persian empire who conspired to have the Jews of that country massacred, but who was hanged when his plot was exposed.
header a brick or stone laid across a wall so that its short end is exposed. (Cf. stretcher.) [1/5 definitions]
illuminance the intensity of light per unit of area on a surface exposed to light; illumination.
illumination the intensity of light per unit of area of a surface exposed to light, measured in lumens; illuminance. [1/4 definitions]