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accouterment (often pl.) one's outfit or equipment, esp. that of a soldier, exclusive of arms and uniform. [1/2 definitions]
altostratus a thick dense cloud that forms a uniform gray sheet that often produces precipitation, found at medium altitudes.
Black Shirt a member of a fascist military organization, esp. the former Italian one, whose uniform includes a black shirt.
bluecoat one who wears a blue coat or uniform, esp. a police officer or a Union soldier in the U.S. Civil War.
brick a uniform, rectangular block of clay, dried and hardened by sun or in a kiln, used as a building material. [1/6 definitions]
chain store one of a group of retail stores that are under the same ownership or central management system and that follow a uniform marketing policy.
chasseur an attendant in uniform. [1/3 definitions]
civvies (informal) civilian clothing, as opposed to military uniform.
commodities trade the purchase and sale of raw goods, such as agricultural products or materials derived from natural resources, that have uniform value across an economic market, as opposed to the purchase and sale of services or branded products.
Common Market an economic association of major western European countries mainly designed to eliminate tariffs on trade among member nations and establish uniform tariffs on goods from other countries; European Economic Community. [1/2 definitions]
constancy the quality of being uniform; stability; regularity. [1/2 definitions]
constant unchanging; uniform. [1/4 definitions]
dead load the fixed or permanent weight of a structure that exerts a uniform, constant pressure on the supports. (Cf. live load.)
dress parade a formal parade of military troops in dress uniform.
dress uniform a military uniform worn only on formal occasions.
E.E.C. abbreviation of "European Economic Community," an economic association of major western European countries mainly designed to eliminate tariffs on trade among member nations and establish uniform tariffs on goods from other countries; Common Market.
equable not varying extremely or suddenly; uniform; stable. [1/2 definitions]
equalize to make uniform; standardize. [1/2 definitions]
footman a manservant, usu. in uniform, who attends the door of a house or carriage, serves at table, and runs errands.
graph paper paper printed with a uniform pattern of small squares on which to draw diagrams or plot graphs.
hat a special kind of head covering worn, often as part of a uniform, in order to display one's rank, position, or occupation. [1/2 definitions]