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Dictionary Suite
arm2 (pl.) the insignia of a family or institution. [1/7 definitions]
chevron an insignia or badge of rank having stripes arranged in a V or inverted V and worn by policemen, noncommissioned officers, and the like.
coat of arms the insignia, esp. of a family, showing emblems and figures arranged on and around a shield.
cross a sign, insignia, or monument in the form of a cross, esp. that signifying the Christian religion. [1/16 definitions]
eagle an image or representation of an eagle, used as a symbol, insignia, or emblem. [1/3 definitions]
four-star describing a general or admiral whose insignia carries four stars. [1/2 definitions]
frock to install in and provide with the insignia of clerical office. [1/4 definitions]
lanyard a cord worn around the shoulder as an insignia, as by certain military units. [1/4 definitions]