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ban1 an unofficial prohibition or condemnation, as by public opinion. [1/3 definitions]
clampdown a strict imposition of authority, rules, limitations, or the like; prohibition or suppression.
embargo a restraint or prohibition. [1/4 definitions]
estoppel in law, a prohibition against making an allegation or denial that is contradictory, esp. to an allegation or denial made previously.
injunction a command or order, esp. from a court, to do or refrain from doing something; authorization or prohibition.
interdict a legal prohibition to act. [1/4 definitions]
must1 used to express a command, or, in negative statements, a prohibition. [1/7 definitions]
not used to indicate negation, disagreement, refusal, or prohibition.
prohibitive serving as a prohibition; forbidding. [1/2 definitions]
restrictive covenant in an agreement or contract, a restriction on the action of one of the parties, esp. the prohibition, now illegal in the United States, of rental or sale of real estate to someone of a specified minority or ethnic group.
Salic law the legal code of the Salian Franks, esp. the prohibition against inheritance of land by women. [2 definitions]
speakeasy a bar or nightclub where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally, as during Prohibition in the United States.
sufferance approval given passively by a lack of prohibition or interference. [1/2 definitions]