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Dictionary Suite
basin a sink in a bathroom; washbasin. [1/6 definitions]
bath a bathroom. [1/5 definitions]
efficiency apartment a small, sometimes furnished apartment usu. containing one large room with a kitchenette and an attached bathroom.
master bedroom in a home with multiple bedrooms, the largest bedroom or one with a special feature such as a fireplace or attached bathroom, usually used by the head or heads of the household.
restroom a public bathroom.
studio a one-room apartment with a separate bathroom. [1/5 definitions]
toilet a room containing such an appliance; bathroom. [1/3 definitions]
tourist home a private home in which a tourist can rent a bedroom, usu. sharing a bathroom with others.
washroom a room with washing and toilet facilities; bathroom; lavatory.
washstand a sink fixture in a lavatory or bathroom. [1/2 definitions]