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abrade to make rough or injure by scraping. [1/4 definitions]
acorn the fruit of the oak tree, having a smooth, ovoid nut partially enclosed by a rough, cuplike base.
approximate rough or estimated. [1/6 definitions]
bicycle motocross a sport in which bicycles designed for rough terrain are raced on such terrain, or used in the performance of athletic feats such as jumps, spins, and flips.
block to put into a rough form; outline (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/19 definitions]
BMX abbreviation of "bicycle motocross," a sport in which bicycles designed for rough terrain are raced on such terrain, or used in the performance of athletic feats such as jumps, spins, and flips. [1/2 definitions]
boisterous rough and turbulent, as weather. [1/2 definitions]
boor a rough-mannered or insensitive person. [1/2 definitions]
Bouvier des Flandres any of a breed of large dog that has a rough coat and pointed ears and was originally used in Belgium for herding cattle.
bumpy (informal) rough or difficult. [1/3 definitions]
burlap a rough fabric made from strong plant fibers such as hemp or jute, used esp. for large packing bags.
cabin a small dwelling, usu. rough and simple in style and construction. [1/4 definitions]
camp1 one or a group of cabins, tents, or other rough shelters. [1/9 definitions]
cantaloupe any of several varieties of melon, esp. muskmelons, usu. having a hard, rough, ridged skin and orange flesh.
cave man (informal) a man who is rough, crude, or brutal, esp. toward women. [1/2 definitions]
chino a rough, cotton fabric with a twill weave. [1/2 definitions]
choppy of a body of water, full of short, rough waves. [1/3 definitions]
coarse having large grains or particles, or a rough texture. [1/3 definitions]
coarse-grained having a rough or coarse texture. [1/2 definitions]
cocklebur a coarse composite plant with rough, prickly burs, usu. considered a weed. [1/2 definitions]
craggy marked by or having crags; rugged, steep, or rough. [2 definitions]