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barge in to interrupt or intrude, esp. clumsily or impolitely.
bother to disturb or interrupt. [1/7 definitions]
break to end the sameness of; interrupt. [2/26 definitions]
break in to interrupt during a conversation, meeting, broadcast or the like. [1/3 definitions]
break into to interrupt (an utterance, conversation, meeting, or the like). [1/6 definitions]
chime in to interrupt suddenly to add one's opinion. [1/2 definitions]
cut in to interrupt. [1/2 definitions]
cut off to interrupt (someone) as they are speaking. [2/8 definitions]
disconnect to break off or interrupt the connection of or between. [1/3 definitions]
disrupt to interrupt or break off, usu. temporarily. [1/2 definitions]
disturb to bother or interrupt by making noise or causing distraction. [1/3 definitions]
heckle to interrupt (someone) during a public speech or performance with intentionally annoying or provocative remarks or questions.
intercept in sports, to interrupt the movement or course of (a player or pass), or to take possession of (the opponent's ball). [1/5 definitions]
interpose to insert a comment, question, or the like; interrupt. [1/6 definitions]
leave off to interrupt one's activity at a particular point. [1/3 definitions]
obstruct to interrupt, delay, or hinder the passage or progress of. [1/3 definitions]
off so as to interrupt or stop operation. [1/37 definitions]
relieve to break or interrupt (something tedious). [1/5 definitions]
stop to bring to an end or interrupt the process of. [1/18 definitions]