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amphibian any cold-blooded vertebrate, such as a frog or salamander, that has aquatic gill-breathing larvae and terrestrial lung-breathing adults. [1/4 definitions]
batrachian a frog or toad. [1/2 definitions]
breaststroke a swimming stroke in which the body is prone with the face down, the arms simultaneously pull down and back, and the legs do a frog kick in alternation with the arm movement.
bullfrog a large North American frog with a distinctive loud, deep croak.
croak to make a low, hoarse sound with the voice, like that of a frog. [2/4 definitions]
duffel coat a hooded knee-length overcoat with frog fasteners that is usu. made of a sturdy wool fabric such as duffel or loden.
froggy of or resembling a frog. [1/2 definitions]
metamorphosis the developmental changes in living organisms, such as the successive stages from caterpillar to butterfly or from tadpole to frog. [1/3 definitions]
polliwog a frog or toad larva in its water-dwelling stage, when it has a tail and gills; tadpole.
tadpole the larva of a frog or toad at the stage when it lives in water and has gills and a tail.
toad any of numerous tailless amphibians that have dry rough warty skins, live primarily on land, and resemble the related frog. [1/3 definitions]
tree toad see "tree frog."