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adder2 any of various similar poisonous or harmless snakes. [1/2 definitions]
fox snake a harmless rat snake, having a yellowish color with dark patches on the back.
garter snake any of numerous small harmless striped snakes common in North America.
grass snake any of several common small harmless snakes, such as the garter or green snake.
innocent harmless. [1/6 definitions]
innocuous not capable of causing damage; harmless. [1/3 definitions]
insidious seemingly or outwardly harmless, but actually very dangerous. [1/2 definitions]
lark2 a playful and harmless prank. [2/4 definitions]
oak apple a harmless, applelike gall produced on oak trees by the larvae of a type of wasp.
scotch to hurt slightly so as to render temporarily harmless. [1/4 definitions]
snake in the grass someone or something that seems harmless, but is actually treacherous.
storyteller (informal) one who tells harmless lies; fibber. [1/2 definitions]
water snake any of numerous harmless snakes living in or near water.
white lie a small or harmless lie, often told to spare someone's feelings; well-intentioned fib.