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Dictionary Suite
appreciative feeling or capable of feeling gratitude or appreciation.
hallelujah an exclamation used to express praise, as of God, or joy or gratitude. [2 definitions]
obligation a favor or service for which one owes gratitude. [2/5 definitions]
thank to express gratitude or appreciation to. [1/2 definitions]
thankful feeling or showing gratitude.
thanks an acknowledgment of gratitude for a benefit received. [2/3 definitions]
Thanksgiving (l.c.) feeling or outpouring of gratitude; giving of thanks. [1/2 definitions]
thank-you an ordinary expression of gratitude. [2 definitions]
thank you used to politely express gratitude at being given or offered something, such as a gift, service, opportunity, or compliment.
unthankful offering no thanks or gratitude; not grateful. [1/2 definitions]
votive made or done to express gratitude or devotion. [1/2 definitions]