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Black Death a deadly plague, probably bubonic, that was widespread in Europe in the mid-fourteenth century, characterized by dark splotches on the skin.
Christian Science a religion based on Christian scripture that was founded in the United States in the mid-nineteenth century and that teaches that disease and illness can be treated by spiritual means.
coffee break a short rest from work, usu. in mid-morning or mid-afternoon, for coffee or other refreshments.
Early Modern English the spoken and written English of about the mid-fifteenth to mid-eighteenth centuries.
eight-track tape a magnetic-tape cartridge with four pairs of stereo tracks of prerecorded sound, popular in the United States from the mid-sixties to the early eighties.
Gothic of or relating to the style of architecture that was popular from the twelfth through the mid-sixteenth century in Europe, characterized by its pointed arches and ribbed vaults. [1/7 definitions]
great auk a large flightless North Atlantic auk that became extinct in the mid-nineteenth century.
junior miss a young woman in her early or mid-teens. [1/2 definitions]
know-nothing (caps.) a member of a secret American political organization of the mid-nineteenth century, who favored barring immigrants and Roman Catholics from political office, and who professed public ignorance of the organization's activities. [1/2 definitions]
Leonid any shower of meteors occurring annually in mid-November and appearing to radiate from the constellation Leo.
middle finger the finger that is the longest and mid-most of one's hand.
mid-Victorian a person living during the mid-Victorian era. [2/3 definitions]
Moby Dick the white whale in Herman Melville's mid-nineteenth-century novel of the same name.
panty girdle a girdle with a crotch and legs that can vary in length from very short to mid-thigh to knee-length.
Perseid any of numerous meteors visible in the night sky around mid-August each year.
Progressive Party any of three short-lived U.S. political parties of the early and mid-twentieth century that advocated policies considered progressive or radical in their time.
seafloor spreading the creation of new oceanic crust formed by an upward flow and outward spread of magma along mid-ocean ridges.
secessionist (often cap.) one who advocated the secession of the U.S. southern states in the mid-nineteenth century. [1/2 definitions]
Simon Legree in the mid-nineteenth-century novel Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, a cruel overseer and slave dealer. [1/2 definitions]
Tishri the first month of the Jewish lunisolar calendar, occurring from mid-September through early October in the Gregorian calendar.
trunk hose short baggy breeches that extend to mid-thigh, worn in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.