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Dictionary Suite
afterglow a warm, pleasing memory of a recent experience. [1/2 definitions]
agreeable pleasing or likable. [1/2 definitions]
ambrosia something sweetly pleasing in taste or smell. [1/3 definitions]
amenity something that makes a place or an occasion more convenient, pleasing, or gracious. [2/3 definitions]
amuse to occupy the attention of in a pleasing manner; entertain. [1/2 definitions]
beauty the quality of being beautiful or pleasing to the senses; loveliness. [1/4 definitions]
becoming pleasing or attractive. [1/4 definitions]
charm to influence by personal attractiveness or pleasing manners. [1/11 definitions]
comely pleasing in appearance. [1/2 definitions]
congenial suited to or compatible with one's tastes or character, and therefore pleasing. [2 definitions]
dandy (informal) something excellent or especially pleasing. [2/4 definitions]
delectable extremely pleasing; delightful. [2 definitions]
delicious extremely pleasing or agreeable, esp. to the sense of taste or smell. [1/3 definitions]
delightful very pleasing; causing delight.
divine (informal) extremely good, beautiful, or pleasing. [1/12 definitions]
drink to take in (usu. something pleasing or beautiful) through the senses (usu. fol. by "in"). [1/12 definitions]
dulcet pleasing to the ear; melodious. [2 definitions]
engaging able to attract and hold one's interest; charming; pleasing; attractive.
euphonious characterized by euphony; pleasing to the ear.
euphony a pleasing, harmonious quality of sounds, esp. words.
eyesore something that is unpleasant or offensive to look at, esp. something that mars an otherwise pleasing view.