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AA abbreviation of "Alcoholics Anonymous," a world-wide recovery program for alcoholics, administered through chapters.
anointing of the sick a Catholic sacrament in which a priest anoints a person who is in danger of imminent death, while praying for recovery and remission of sins; last rites.
incubator a temperature-controlled apparatus in which ideal conditions are maintained for the recovery of sick or premature infants. [1/3 definitions]
prognosis a forecast of the anticipated course of a disease, esp. of the likelihood of recovery. [1/2 definitions]
rally1 a rapid or sudden recovery from illness, a setback or loss, or the like. [1/12 definitions]
recuperation the process of recovering from an illness or injury, or the completed state of recovery.
relapse to suffer a worsening of a disease after partial recovery. [2/4 definitions]
touchback in football, a play in which a team touches the ball down in its own end zone as the result of a pass interception, kick reception, or recovery of the opposing team's fumble.
wind1 to allow the recovery of breath, esp. after exertion. [1/14 definitions]