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bandy about to mention repeatedly, especially lightly or frivolously.
beef Wellington a dish consisting of a lightly roasted piece of beef covered with pâté de foie gras, surrounded with pastry, and baked.
bob3 to give a light blow; tap lightly. [1/3 definitions]
brush1 to slightly touch or move lightly across. [1/8 definitions]
clap to strike (a person) lightly or sportively with an open hand, as a gesture of greeting or approval. [1/11 definitions]
corvette a small, swift, lightly armed ship, used esp. as an escort. [1/2 definitions]
cream soda a soft drink, lightly colored, of vanilla flavor.
dab1 to pat or press lightly, as with a sponge or cotton swab. [2/6 definitions]
dabble to splash liquid lightly. [1/4 definitions]
dance to waver or skip lightly so as to suggest dancing. [1/9 definitions]
doze to sleep lightly, for a short time or fitfully. [1/3 definitions]
drizzle to rain lightly but continuously. [1/2 definitions]
dub1 to award the title of knight to by tapping or striking lightly on the shoulder, usu. with a sword. [1/2 definitions]
ectomorphic of a slender, lightly muscled body structure. (Cf. endomorphic, mesomorphic.)
finger to touch lightly or idly with the fingers. [2/8 definitions]
firmly in a way that uses some strength; not lightly. [1/2 definitions]
flirt to lightly consider; trifle with. [1/6 definitions]
flit to fly or dart quickly and lightly; flutter. [1/3 definitions]
float to move lightly and airily. [1/14 definitions]
flurry of snow, to fall lightly and for a short time. [1/4 definitions]
flutter to fly with light, swift wing movements or to move the wings lightly and swiftly up and down in flight, as a bird. [1/9 definitions]