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Dictionary Suite
Brahmin a cultured, socially elite person, esp. a member of an upper-class New England family. [1/2 definitions]
dame school an informal school common to Colonial New England in which rudimentary educational and social skills were taught to children by a woman in her home. [1/2 definitions]
Down East (sometimes l.c.) New England, esp. the state of Maine.
General Court in colonial New England, a local assembly that had both legislative and judicial powers. [1/2 definitions]
NE2 abbreviation of "New England." [1/2 definitions]
New Hampshire a New England state between Vermont and Maine. (abbr.: NH) [1/2 definitions]
NH abbreviation of "New Hampshire," a New England state between Vermont and Maine.
Pequot a member of a former North American Indian people that lived in southern New England until conquered in 1637. [1/2 definitions]
piazza in New England, a porch or veranda. [1/2 definitions]
pilgrim (cap.) a Puritan colonist in seventeenth-century New England. [1/3 definitions]
Rhode Island a New England state on the Atlantic coast between Connecticut and Massachusetts. (abbr.: RI)
RI abbreviation of "Rhode Island," a New England state on the Atlantic coast between Connecticut and Massachusetts.
selectman in many New England towns, one of several elected local public officials.
town meeting a public meeting, open to all town voters acting as a legislative body, as in New England. [1/2 definitions]
Vermont a U.S. state in New England between New Hampshire and New York. (abbr.: VT)
VT abbreviation of "Vermont," a U.S. state in New England between New Hampshire and New York.
Yankee a native or resident of New England. [1/3 definitions]