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aberration a deviation from what is considered normal or right; irregularity. [2/3 definitions]
always without alteration or deviation; invariably. [1/3 definitions]
bias an irregularity or distortion, as in a ball, causing deviation from the intended path. [1/8 definitions]
covariance in statistics, a measure of how two variables are related, equal to the product of the deviation of each variable from its mean. In positive covariance, the two variables (such as temperature and air conditioner use) are directly related and follow the same trend. In negative covariance, the two variables (such as temperature and heater use) are inversely related and follow opposite trends.
offset to make a deviation or bend in (a line or surface, a pipe, or the like). [1/9 definitions]
out of used to indicate a deviation from the norm, the correct standard, or the expected. [1/9 definitions]
poetic license any deviation from logic, fact, or convention that is made by a writer or other artist in order to achieve a particular effect.
slope degree of deviation from the horizontal or vertical. [1/5 definitions]
statistic any measurable characteristic of a sample, such as a mean or standard deviation. [1/2 definitions]
warp a mental or moral quirk or bias; aberration; deviation. [1/10 definitions]