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abdicate to formally relinquish a position of power, a claim, or a right. [1/3 definitions]
abeam at right angles to a line passing from the front to the back of a ship.
aberrant turning aside from what is natural, right, or true; perverse. [1/2 definitions]
aberration a deviation from what is considered normal or right; irregularity. [1/3 definitions]
abnegate to surrender (a right or privilege); renounce. [1/2 definitions]
abnegation the act of relinquishing or abandoning, as a right, role, or good.
accepted generally regarded as normal, right, or correct; approved; recognized. [1/2 definitions]
action a legal proceeding wherein one party demands its right or claims that wrong has been done by another party; a lawsuit. [1/8 definitions]
admittance permission to enter; right of entry. [1/2 definitions]
age of majority the age at which a person is granted by law the rights and responsibilities of an adult, such as liability under contract and the right to sue.
aim to position in order to point in the right direction. [1/8 definitions]
alright all right; unharmed or undamaged, or free of the risk of harm or damage. [4 definitions]
amend to make better or make right; improve; rectify. [1/3 definitions]
angary the legal right of a state or nation at war to seize, destroy, or otherwise use the property of a neutral state, provided proper compensation is made.
angle iron a piece of rolled iron or steel in the form of a right angle along its lengthwise dimension, used in construction for joining parts or as support.
angle of incidence the angle that the line of movement of a body or of radiation, meeting a surface, makes with a line that is at right angles to the surface at the point of meeting.
appendant in law, pertaining to a subsidiary right. [2/4 definitions]
appendectomy surgical removal of the appendix in the lower right-hand side of the abdomen.
appendicitis inflammation of the appendix in the lower right-hand side of the abdomen.
appendix a short closed tube of tissue that projects from the pouch at the beginning of the large intestine in the lower right-hand side of the abdomen; vermiform appendix. [1/3 definitions]
approve to consider or declare (something) good or right. [1/3 definitions]