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box elder a North American maple tree with compound leaves and soft wood that is used in making furniture.
flame tree any of several trees bearing vivid red flowers, esp. a bottletree with leaves resembling those of the maple.
hard maple the sugar maple.
maple sugar a sweet, yellowish brown, crystalline substance obtained by fully reducing the syrup made from the sap of maple trees.
maple syrup a sweet, viscous liquid made by reducing the sap from maple trees.
Norway maple a European maple tree, grown widely in North America as a shade tree.
samara a winged fruit, as of the elm or maple, that does not split open when ripe and usu. has one seed.
schizocarp a dry fruit, as of the maple. that splits into two or more single-seed carpels that do not split open.
spile a tap or spout driven into a sugar maple through which the sap is drawn off. [1/4 definitions]
sugar to collect and process the sap of maple trees into maple sugar. [1/8 definitions]
sugarbush a grove or orchard of maple trees, used as a source of maple syrup or maple sugar.
sugarhouse a building or shed where maple sap is boiled down to make maple syrup and maple sugar.
sugar maple a maple tree of eastern North America whose hard wood is used for making cabinets and furniture and whose sweet sap is used to make maple syrup and maple sugar.
sycamore a tree of the maple family, closely resembling the American plane tree. [1/3 definitions]
syrup a sweetener made from fruit juice, maple sap, or the like, boiled until very concentrated. [1/2 definitions]