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adventurer one who seeks fortune through risky or brave actions; soldier of fortune. [1/3 definitions]
blessed having had good fortune conferred upon one. [1/4 definitions]
chance luck; fortune. [1/7 definitions]
checkered noted for frequent changes and wide swings in fortune. [1/3 definitions]
congratulate to praise, acknowledge, and express one's pleasure at the achievement or good fortune of (a person or group).
crystal ball a globe of glass or quartz crystal used by fortune-tellers to foretell events in the future.
delirious wildly excited or enthusiastic, usu. as a result of sudden good fortune. [1/2 definitions]
expectation (often pl.) the anticipation or prospect of good fortune. [1/4 definitions]
fate ultimate result; fortune; lot. [1/6 definitions]
fortunate having good fortune; lucky; blessed. [2 definitions]
give back to do good or charitable things for others because one appreciates one's good fortune or the good things that one has received in life from others. [1/3 definitions]
Godspeed good fortune and success (used as a wish to a person beginning a journey, venture, or the like).
grudge to feel rancor toward or resent (someone) because of his or her good fortune. [1/4 definitions]
heiress a female heir, esp. one who is entitled to or has inherited a large fortune.
jealousy envious or suspicious resentment, as of another's success, good fortune, or good qualities. [1/4 definitions]
kismet destiny, fortune, or fate.
luck the supposed force behind the apparently causeless or random occurrence of an event or events; fortune; chance. [2 definitions]
luckless without good luck; attended by bad fortune.
lucky resulting from or having good fortune. [2 definitions]
nabob a wealthy, influential, or prominent person, esp. one who made his fortune in India or another Eastern colony. [1/2 definitions]
prosperous having wealth, success, or good fortune. [2 definitions]