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abut to adjoin or press against; be next to; border on. [1/2 definitions]
adjoining touching at some line or point; having a common wall, border, or the like; contiguous.
Bavaria a German state on the southeastern border.
Berlin Wall a barrier first erected in 1961 that separated West Berlin from East Berlin, eventually fortified and extended to create a border between West Germany and East Germany, and ultimately opened to unrestricted transit on November 9, 1989, prior to being dismantled.
border to lie on the boundary or border of. [1/6 definitions]
borderland land that is at or near a border; frontier. [1/2 definitions]
borderless being without a border or borders.
bound3 to adjoin or border. [1/4 definitions]
Central America an extension of the North American continent from the Mexican border to South America, comprising seven countries.
checkpoint a place where something is halted for inspection, esp. a border station where the documents or vehicles of travelers are inspected.
Chihuahua a Mexican state on the northern border, or its capital. [1/2 definitions]
cincture something that encircles or surrounds, as a border. [1/3 definitions]
coaming a raised border around an opening in a roof, floor, or deck, designed to keep out water.
Columbia a river that flows from British Columbia, along the Washington-Oregon border, and into the Pacific. [1/2 definitions]
confine (usu. pl.) limit, border, or boundary. [1/3 definitions]
coterminous having the same border or end point, or covering the same area.
crenate having a scalloped or notched border, as some leaves.
curb a usu. raised border of concrete, stone, or brick along the outer edge of a paved street or sidewalk. [1/4 definitions]
demilitarize to prohibit military use of, as a border zone. [1/3 definitions]
edge border. [2/10 definitions]
edging something that constitutes, or is placed along, an edge or border to protect, decorate, or define it.