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apostrophe1 this mark used in some plurals, esp. in letters and figures, as in "I get your n's and r's confused". [1/3 definitions]
BYOB abbreviation of "bring your own bottle." [2 definitions]
check out to say officially that you are leaving your hotel room and to pay the bill. [1/5 definitions]
exercise a particular way to use your muscles to make them strong. [1/10 definitions]
fidget to make small, aimless or restless movements using your hands; fiddle (often fol. by "with"). [1/4 definitions]
for shame! you should feel embarrassed or guilty about your action.
FYI abbreviation of "for your information."
grace (usu. cap.) a conventional title used in speaking to a duke, duchess, or archbishop, and formerly to a king or queen (usu. prec. by "His," "Her," or "Your"). [1/10 definitions]
highness (cap.) an honorary title used in addressing a person of royal rank (usu. prec. by "His," "Her," "Your," or the like). [1/2 definitions]
how about what is your desire about having or doing.
ladyship (often cap.) the title used when referring or speaking directly to a woman with the rank of lady (often prec. by "Her" or "Your"). [1/2 definitions]
lordship (often cap.) a title used in speaking to or referring to a lord, or, in Great Britain, to a judge (usu. prec. by "your" or "his"). [1/2 definitions]
pay attention to direct your mind to (something); focus your attention on (usu. fol. by "to").
reverence (cap.) a title of respect for some members of the Christian clergy (usu. prec. by "your" or "his"). [1/4 definitions]
salud health (Spanish); to your health (used as a toast before drinking).
serene (usu. cap.) high or supremely dignified (usu. prec. by "her," "your," or the like). [1/3 definitions]
sign in to sign or write your name, along with the time, to show that you have arrived, or to enter a digital account by typing in a user ID and password.
sign out to sign or write your name, along with the time, to show that you are finished and leaving an area, or to exit from a digital account.
skoal to your health! (used as a drinking toast).
stand up to move your body into a standing position, or to be in a standing position. [1/2 definitions]
think to turn your mind toward someone or something. [1/13 definitions]