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allergic having abnormal or disabling sensitivity to certain agents such as drugs, food, or pollen, resulting in a hypersensitive reaction upon exposure (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/3 definitions]
anemophilous of plants, pollinated by wind-blown pollen.
anther in botany, the part of a flower's stamen that bears pollen.
autogamy in botany, self-fertilization, as of a flower with its own pollen. [1/2 definitions]
beebread a mixture of nectar and pollen made by bees to feed to their larvae.
bee fly any of several two-winged flies that resemble bees and that feed on pollen and nectar.
cross-fertilize to fertilize by pollen, sperm, or another male gamete from a different individual, or with different genes or from a different species.
cross-pollinate to pollinate by placing pollen from one plant on the pistil of another of a different type.
cross-pollination the transfer of pollen, as by bees, from one flower to another of different genetic composition, resulting in the production of a hybrid; cross-fertilization.
diclinous of a plant, having the pollen-bearing and seed-bearing organs in separate flowers. [1/2 definitions]
endogamy the fertilization of a flower by pollen from another flower on the same plant. [1/2 definitions]
hay fever an allergic reaction to plant pollen, characterized by mucus from the nose, sneezing, and headache.
pollinate to transfer pollen to; fertilize the seeds of with pollen.
ragweed a weed of the daisy family that produces abundant airborne pollen in the fall.
rose fever a form of hay fever that occurs in spring or early summer as an allergic reaction to rose pollen.
self-fertilization the fertilization of a plant by its own pollen, or of an animal by its own sperm.
self-pollination the pollination of a flower through the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma of the same plant. (Cf. cross-pollination.)
stamen the stalklike part of a flower that produces and bears the pollen.
stigma part of a plant that receives pollen; pistil. [1/5 definitions]