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aba a sleeveless outer garment made of this fabric. [1/2 definitions]
alley1 the space between the two outer sets of lines on each side of a tennis court, used only in doubles. [1/5 definitions]
archiblast the outer layer of an embryo in a very early, two-layered stage of development. [1/2 definitions]
arctic (pl.) warm, waterproof outer shoes. [1/5 definitions]
aril a second or outer covering of some seeds.
Aurora (l.c.) bands or streamers of light that appear in the sky at night in areas around the magnetic poles, caused by solar particles striking atoms in the outer part of the earth's atmosphere. (See aurora australis, aurora borealis.) [1/3 definitions]
balcony an elevated platform projecting from the outer wall of a building, surrounded with a railing or low restraining wall. [1/2 definitions]
bast the strong fibrous outer layer of certain plant stems, such as flax or hemp, consisting of phloem tissue, and used in manufacturing cordage or woven goods. [1/2 definitions]
bay window a windowed section protruding from the outer wall of a building, so as to form an alcove within.
bioastronautics (used with a sing. verb) the science of the effects of outer space and space travel on living organisms.
blister a thin, bubble-like swelling of the outer skin, resulting from a burn or other injury and containing fluid. [1/5 definitions]
border the outer part; edge; boundary. [1/6 definitions]
bound3 (usu. pl.) the area contained within or lying near a boundary or outer limit of something. [1/4 definitions]
cachet a waferlike outer covering used to envelop bad-tasting medicine. [1/4 definitions]
caliber the outer diameter of a bullet or artillery shell. [1/3 definitions]
caliper (usu. pl.) an instrument usu. having two hinged, curved legs and used to measure inner or outer dimensions, thicknesses, and distances between surfaces. [1/3 definitions]
capsid the outer protein shell of a virus particle that surrounds its nucleic acid.
case2 a protective or ornamental outer covering. [1/5 definitions]
celestial of or pertaining to the sky or outer space. [1/6 definitions]
cerumen a waxy yellow secretion from glands in the outer ear canal; earwax.
chador an outer garment worn by Muslim women, esp. in Iran, made of a long, dark-colored cloth that is wrapped loosely around the head and body and covers all or part of the face.