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chic elegance of style, esp. in attire. [1/2 definitions]
Edwardian characteristic of or relating to the reign of Edward VII of Great Britain, esp. in displaying opulence, self-indulgence, or elegance.
fashion clothing styles in general, or clothing design, esp. with respect to such qualities as beauty, elegance, or innovation. [1/7 definitions]
finish the quality of being completed with elegance, excellence, or thoroughness. [1/11 definitions]
flair sophistication or elegance in style, bearing, or manner. [1/2 definitions]
formal suggesting or displaying refinement or elegance combined with propriety, sometimes at the expense of emotional or physical comfort. [1/9 definitions]
high-toned having a falsely assumed elegance or dignity. [1/2 definitions]
homely not having elegance or style. [1/3 definitions]
humble not of great status, cost, elegance, or the like; having low rank. [1/6 definitions]
mince to act, move, or speak with an unnatural, affected elegance. [1/7 definitions]
polish a refined manner of presentation or appearance; elegance. [1/8 definitions]
refine of writing or speaking, to make clearer or more sophisticated through precision, subtlety, or elegance of wording. [1/4 definitions]
soigné having elegance; fashionable. [1/2 definitions]
style elegance in dress or appearance. [1/9 definitions]
swank (informal) stylishness or smartness in manner or appearance; elegance. [1/4 definitions]