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cannelloni (usu. used with a sing. verb) large tubes of pasta which are usu. boiled, stuffed with meat or cheese, and baked in a sauce.
carbonara designating pasta that is covered with a mild cheese sauce made up of eggs, bacon, onion, and parmesan cheese.
durum a variety of wheat whose flour is the basic ingredient of spaghetti and other pasta.
hard wheat wheat that has hard kernels containing a high amount of protein, used to make semolina and pasta; durum. (Cf. soft wheat.)
linguine pasta in long, thin, flat strips.
macaroni any of variously shaped, dried pasta noodles made from flour and water, esp. the short, bent, hollow tubes; elbow macaroni.
manicotti a dish of Italian origin that uses pasta usu. stuffed with a cheese mixture, topped with a tomato sauce, and baked.
marinara served or covered with marinara, as pasta or seafood. [1/2 definitions]
minestrone a thick soup made with vegetables, beans, pasta, and often meat.
orzo pasta resembling grains of rice.
Parmesan a hard dry cheese made from skim milk and usu. grated to garnish other foods such as pasta.
penne pasta in the form of short, diagonally cut tubes.
pesto a sauce of ground fresh basil, pine nuts, garlic, and grated Parmesan cheese mixed with olive oil and served over pasta.
ravioli (used with a sing. or pl. verb) small pouches of pasta filled with ground meat, cheese, or the like.
rigatoni pasta formed into short, ribbed tubes.
semolina coarse wheat that is a byproduct in the manufacture of fine flour, used to make pasta, puddings, and the like.
spaghetti a form of pasta made in long thin strings, usu. served with a meat, tomato, or other sauce. [1/2 definitions]
tortellini a dish of small round pieces of pasta stuffed with meat, vegetables, and the like and served with a sauce.
vermicelli a kind of pasta shaped into long, thin threads like spaghetti but thinner.