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Dictionary Suite
agape1 open-mouthed in wonder or astonishment. [1/4 definitions]
beaker a wide-mouthed drinking cup or container. [1/3 definitions]
cup a small, wide-mouthed container used for drinking such things as coffee or tea. [1/7 definitions]
ewer a vaselike, wide-mouthed pitcher or jug.
grayling any of various small-mouthed freshwater fishes related to the trout, that have large, brightly colored dorsal fins. [1/2 definitions]
jar1 a wide-mouthed cylindrical container, usu. made of glass or pottery, and often having a lid. [1/2 definitions]
Mason jar a wide-mouthed glass jar with a lid that screws on, often used for home canning and preserving.
mealy avoiding or tending to avoid direct and straightforward speech; mealy-mouthed. [1/3 definitions]
olla (Spanish) a wide-mouthed earthenware pot or jar, used for water, cooking, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
trawl a large wide-mouthed conical net that is dragged along the bottom of the sea to catch deep-water fish. [1/5 definitions]