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ailanthus a deciduous tree, originating in Asia, with fernlike leaves and clusters of greenish flowers with an offensive odor.
alder any of several deciduous trees and shrubs of the birch family that grow in cool, damp regions.
bass3 a deciduous tree of softwood, which is grown for ornamental purposes or as a shade tree; basswood; linden.
beech a deciduous tree of temperate regions that has smooth gray bark and bears small, edible nuts. [1/2 definitions]
birch a deciduous tree or shrub with close-grained, hard wood and smooth bark that can be peeled off. [1/5 definitions]
buckeye any of various deciduous trees and shrubs related to the horse chestnut. [1/2 definitions]
butternut a deciduous tree of North America, related to the walnut. [1/2 definitions]
catalpa any of several deciduous shade trees that have broad leaves and bear clusters of white flowers and long slender pods.
dawn redwood a Chinese tree, cultivated in the United States, that resembles the redwood and bears cones but has deciduous twigs and needles.
elm any of several large deciduous shade trees having arching, spreading branches and serrated leaves. [1/2 definitions]
ginkgo a deciduous ornamental tree, native to China, with fan-shaped leaves and edible fruit and seeds.
hickory any of a number of deciduous trees of the walnut family, found mostly in North America and in some varieties producing edible nuts and commercially useful wood. [1/2 definitions]
maple any of numerous related deciduous hardwood trees found in temperate zones, cultivated as ornamentals or for their wood or sweet sap. [1/2 definitions]
poplar any of several fast-growing deciduous trees, such as the aspen or cottonwood. [1/3 definitions]
tamarack any of several deciduous North American pine trees, esp. one that grows in northern regions and is usu. found in swamps; larch. [1/2 definitions]
willow any of various deciduous trees and shrubs that have narrow leaves, some of whose long flexible twigs are used in weaving baskets, making furniture, and the like. [1/2 definitions]