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bivalent in chemistry, having a valence of two, or having two valences. [1/3 definitions]
butyl any of four hydrocarbon radicals having three carbon molecules and a valence of one.
carbonic of, containing, or derived from carbon with a valence of four.
divalent having a chemical valence of two; bivalent.
ferric of, relating to, or containing iron, esp. with a valence of three.
ferrous of, relating to, or containing iron, esp. with a valence of two.
heptavalent having a chemical valence of seven.
-ic of a chemical element in a compound, having a higher valence than that element has in a compound labeled "-ous". [1/5 definitions]
mercuric of, pertaining to, or containing mercury with a chemical valence of two.
mercurous of, pertaining to, or containing mercury with a chemical valence of one.
monad an atom, element, or radical with a valence of one. [1/3 definitions]
multivalent having a chemical valence of three or more.
-ous of a chemical element in a compound, having a lower valence than that element has in a compound labeled "-ic". [1/2 definitions]
oxidize to increase the positive charge or the valence of (an element or compound) by removing electrons. [1/4 definitions]
pentavalent in chemistry, having a valence of five.
polyvalent having more than one chemical valence. [1/2 definitions]
quadrivalent having a valence of four; tetravalent. [1/2 definitions]
reduce to reduce the positive charge or the valence of (an element or compound) by adding electrons. [1/8 definitions]
tetravalent having a valence of four. [1/2 definitions]
trivalent in chemistry, having a valence of three. [1/2 definitions]
univalent having a chemical valence of one. [1/2 definitions]