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beaver1 an amphibious rodent with a thick brown pelt, a wide flat tail, and front teeth used as chisels to fell and strip small trees in the building of its damlike habitat. [1/3 definitions]
fall to cut down (a tree) or bring down (an animal or person); fell. [1/19 definitions]
Galatea in Greek and Roman mythology, a statue of a woman brought to life by Aphrodite because Pygmalion, who made the statue, fell in love with it.
Humpty Dumpty (sometimes l.c.) an English nursery rhyme character shaped like a large egg, who fell off a wall, broke into pieces, and could not be reassembled.
Icarus in Greek mythology, the son of Daedalus who, in trying to escape with his father from Crete, flew too high with wax-and-feather wings, and fell to his death when the sun melted them.
narcissus (cap.) in Greek mythology, a young man who fell in love with his own reflection and, when he perished from unfulfilled love, was transformed into a flower. [1/3 definitions]
Pygmalion in Greek and Roman mythology, a king of Cyprus who made a statue of a woman with which he fell in love, and which Aphrodite then brought to life. (Cf. Galatea.)