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African National Congress South African political party founded in 1912, whose struggle to establish majority rule and eliminate apartheid led to the establishment in 1994 of South Africa's first multi-racial, democratically-elected government.
ANC abbreviation of "African National Congress," South African political party founded in 1912, whose struggle to establish majority rule and eliminate apartheid led to the establishment in 1994 of South Africa's first multi-racial, democratically-elected government.
antivirus any software program designed to identify, thwart, and eliminate computer viruses and other malicious software programs. [2 definitions]
burl in making cloth, to eliminate burls from. [1/3 definitions]
burn one's bridges to eliminate all possibilities of going back or of reconsidering something one has said or done.
cancel to do away with, nullify, or eliminate, as an appointment or reservation. [1/5 definitions]
Common Market an economic association of major western European countries mainly designed to eliminate tariffs on trade among member nations and establish uniform tariffs on goods from other countries; European Economic Community. [1/2 definitions]
cross to mark off or eliminate, as from a list (usu. fol. by "out" or "off"). [1/16 definitions]
debug (informal) to eliminate errors or malfunctioning parts in, esp. computer programs and computers or other complex electronic systems. [2/3 definitions]
declare war on to state an intention to eliminate. [1/2 definitions]
decontrol to eliminate control over (something), esp. government control; deregulate. [1/2 definitions]
decriminalize to make legal; eliminate criminal penalties for.
delete to remove or eliminate (written words, sentences, or the like) by crossing out, cutting out, or erasing.
deodorize to eliminate or conceal the odor of.
depopulate to eliminate or decrease vastly the number of people in (a place), as by eviction, disease, or slaughter.
desegregate to eliminate the segregation of races in. [2 definitions]
desiccate to eliminate the moisture in; dry up. [1/3 definitions]
detoxify to eliminate poison or the effects of poison from. [1/2 definitions]
dialysis the separation of substances in a solution by diffusion through a semipermeable membrane, used to eliminate impurities from the blood in patients with kidney failure.
dry out to eliminate the moisture inside (something). [2/3 definitions]
E.E.C. abbreviation of "European Economic Community," an economic association of major western European countries mainly designed to eliminate tariffs on trade among member nations and establish uniform tariffs on goods from other countries; Common Market.