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Balkanize (often l.c.) to divide up into mutually antagonistic political units too small to maintain their independence or autonomy effectively.
communalism a theory or system of government in which local communities or communes have virtual autonomy within a loose federation. [1/2 definitions]
Hong Kong a region of southeast China containing Hong Kong Island as well as many other islands and the adjacent mainland. Hong Kong was a British colony from the 1840s until 1997 when it was reverted to Chinese rule as a "Special Administrative Region." While it is a part of China and controlled by the Chinese government on all matters related to defense and foreign affairs, Hong Kong operates with a great deal of autonomy, with its own legal system, police force, immigration policy, and currency.
self-government the independence of a government from external political control; political autonomy. [1/2 definitions]
sovereignty the power of self-government, with independence from outside control; autonomy. [1/3 definitions]