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annual ring one of the concentric rings of wood visible in a cross section of a tree representing the layer of growth from one year.
corona in meteorology, a ring or series of concentric rings seen around a heavenly body, caused by diffraction due to fine mist or dust in the atmosphere. (See aureole.) [1/5 definitions]
Fresnel lens a thin and relatively flat optical lens made of many stepped concentric rings, and having the properties of a thicker, more concave lens.
perlite a volcanic glass with distinctive concentric cracks, used in the manufacture of concrete and plaster, and thermal and acoustic insulation.
tree ring one of the concentric rings of wood visible in a cross section of a tree representing the layer of growth from one year.
tunicate of or covered with concentric layers, as a bulb or an onion. [1/3 definitions]
wheel and axle a machine consisting of a cylindrical drum to which a wheel concentric with and larger than the drum is fastened, so that as an attached rope unwinds from the wheel, another rope is wound onto the drum, exerting an increased force.