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Adam according to the Old Testament, the name of the first man, created by God from dust, and the progenitor of the human race.
black lung a lung disease, esp. of miners, that is caused by long-term exposure to coal dust.
boring1 (pl.) the refuse, such as chips or dust, produced as the result of boring something. [1/3 definitions]
briquette a small brick or cube of charcoal or compressed coal dust, used as fuel in cooking.
calcium chloride a white crystalline compound, derived from calcium carbonate, that is used as a dehydrating agent, de-icer, and dust suppressant.
clean room an enclosed space kept as free as possible of any contaminants such as dust or germs, as for the production of highly sensitive precision parts.
cloud a similar body of other types of matter such as dust or smoke. [1/8 definitions]
corona in meteorology, a ring or series of concentric rings seen around a heavenly body, caused by diffraction due to fine mist or dust in the atmosphere. (See aureole.) [1/5 definitions]
defoliant a chemical spray or dust that causes plants' leaves to drop off.
defoliate to cause the leaves of (trees or the like) to drop off, esp. by using a chemical spray or dust, usu. so as to render a forested area unusable by military opponents. [1/4 definitions]
dirt any unclean substance such as mud, bits of dirt, dust, or excrement. [1/5 definitions]
duff1 coal dust. [1/2 definitions]
dust to clean dust from. [5/11 definitions]
dust bowl an area that has become desertlike because of severe dust storms or drought.
dust devil a small whirlwind that raises a narrow column of dust, sand, and debris.
duster a person or thing that removes dust. [1/4 definitions]
dust jacket a paper or cardboard sleeve in which a phonograph record is stored for protection from dust, scratches, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
dustless combined form of dust.
dustpan a shovel-shaped pan with a handle into which dust is swept for disposal.
dust storm a storm of severe winds that sweep up clouds of dust from land dried up by a drought.
dusty full of or covered with dust. [2/3 definitions]