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bryozoan any of a phylum (Bryozoa) of sessile invertebrate animals that uses tentacles to remove food particles from water.
coelenterate any of numerous invertebrate animals that have tentacles around the oral opening and a single internal cavity for various bodily functions, such as the jellyfishes, anemones, and corals.
insect any of a group of small invertebrate animals that have segmented bodies, three pairs of legs, and usually one or two sets of wings. An insect's body is segmented into head, thorax, and abdomen. [1/3 definitions]
invertebrate having to do with invertebrate animals. [2/3 definitions]
liver1 any of various similar organs in invertebrate animals. [1/3 definitions]
Ordovician of, relating to, or designating the geological period between the Cambrian and Silurian of the Paleozoic Era, from approximately 500 million to 440 million years ago, when marine invertebrate animals were abundant. [1/2 definitions]
polyp an aquatic invertebrate, usu. sedentary or fixed in place, with a tubular body and a mouth surrounded by tentacles. [1/2 definitions]
shellfish an aquatic invertebrate animal that has a shell, esp. an edible animal such as a clam, oyster, or lobster.
tooth a similar object in invertebrate animals. [1/5 definitions]
urchin a marine invertebrate having movable projecting spines on a roundish body; sea urchin. [1/2 definitions]
zoophyte any of various invertebrate animals that resemble a plant, such as a coral or sponge.