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base line in baseball, the area within which a runner must stay while running from base to base. [1/3 definitions]
baton in track and field, a hollow cylinder that is carried and passed from one runner to the next on a relay team. [1/4 definitions]
blade the metal runner on an ice skate. [1/6 definitions]
consolation prize a prize given to a loser or runner-up in a competition, as a means of consoling.
cutback a quick shift to the reverse direction, as of a runner in football. [1/2 definitions]
fielder's choice in baseball, a fielder's decision, on a batted ground ball, to put out a base runner instead of the batter.
flagellum a threadlike plant runner. [1/3 definitions]
force-out a baseball play in which a runner in forced out at the next base following the hitting of a fair ball by a teammate.
front-runner one who leads in a competition, such as a runner in a footrace or a candidate for political office.
grand slam in baseball, a home run hit when there is a runner on each base. [1/4 definitions]
hit-and-run designating or pertaining to a prearranged baseball play in which a runner begins to advance to the next base as the batter tries to hit the ball. [1/2 definitions]
home plate in baseball, a five-sided flat slab of hard rubber at which the batter stands, and which the base runner must touch in order to score a run.
hurdle a movable or fixed barrier over which a runner or horse must leap in the course of certain races. [1/6 definitions]
lane a bounded or marked course, often parallel to other such courses, as for a line of vehicles on a highway or for a single swimmer or runner in a race. [1/7 definitions]
miler one who competes in races one mile in length, esp. a trained runner.
pitchout in baseball, a ball deliberately pitched outside the plate in anticipation of an attempted steal by a base runner. [1/2 definitions]
relay race a race between two or more teams in which each runner is relieved by a teammate after running part of the distance.
rundown a baseball play in which a runner is put out when caught between bases. [1/2 definitions]
rush1 in football, to carry the ball as a runner. [1/12 definitions]
sacrifice in baseball, to enable (a base runner) to advance by hitting a sacrifice bunt or fly. [1/11 definitions]
sacrifice bunt in baseball, a bunt that puts a batter out but allows a runner to advance a base.