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Dictionary Suite
apparel to adorn or decorate. [1/4 definitions]
bedeck to dress or decorate in a showy way; adorn extravagantly.
drape to adorn or cover with a fabric, esp. so as to hang in attractive folds. [1/6 definitions]
figure to adorn with a pattern. [1/16 definitions]
flag1 to mark or adorn with flags. [1/3 definitions]
garnish to add a decoration or decorations to; adorn. [1/5 definitions]
prink to dress up or adorn for show. [1/2 definitions]
purfle to finish or adorn with a decorative border, esp. one consisting of beads, lace, metallic thread, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
purl1 to adorn or edge with loops. [1/5 definitions]
rig (informal) to clothe, dress, or adorn (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/10 definitions]
stud1 to set or adorn with studs, or something like studs. [1/6 definitions]
wreathe to crown or adorn with or as if with a wreath. [1/6 definitions]