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Dictionary Suite
actinozoan see "anthozoan."
activated charcoal see "activated carbon."
Acts see "Acts of the Apostles."
aedes see "yellow fever mosquito."
Aegean see "Aegean Sea." [1/3 definitions]
aeropulse see "pulsejet engine."
air hole see "air pocket." [1/3 definitions]
Aleutian see "Aleut." [1/2 definitions]
alkalize see "alkalinize."
alphorn see "alpenhorn."
alyssum see "sweet alyssum." [1/2 definitions]
American Revised Version see "American Standard Version."
amplitude modulation see "AM."
an see "a1," "a2." [1/2 definitions]
anemone see "sea anemone." [1/2 definitions]
angina see "angina pectoris." [1/2 definitions]
ante meridiem see "A.M."
apatosaurus see "apatosaur."
apostolate the office, duties, mission, or term of activity of an apostle, or, esp., of the pope as head of the Apostolic See in the Roman Catholic Church.
Apostolic See the pope's see or center of authority, believed to have been founded at Rome by Peter.
apteryx see "kiwi."