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crucifixion (cap.) the execution of Jesus Christ by crucifixion. [2/3 definitions]
Good Friday the Friday before Easter Sunday, commemorated by Christians for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Last Supper according to the New Testament, the last meal of Jesus Christ and his disciples on the evening before the Crucifixion; Lord's Supper. [1/2 definitions]
Mary Magdalene according to the New Testament, a woman who was present at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and reported his resurrection to the Apostles, and is traditionally regarded as the repentant prostitute reformed by Christ's teachings.
Pietà (sometimes l.c.) a depiction, as in sculpture or painting, of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, holding him in grief following the Crucifixion.
Pilate the Roman governor of Judea who presided at the trial of Jesus Christ and authorized his crucifixion; Pontius Pilate.
Salome a witness to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ who visited his tomb on the morning of his resurrection. [1/2 definitions]
Stabat Mater a Latin hymn commemorating the sorrows of the Virgin Mary at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. [1/2 definitions]
stigmatic one who experiences stigmata, esp. those resembling Jesus Christ's crucifixion wounds. [1/3 definitions]
Wandering Jew in medieval folklore, a Jew condemned to roam the earth until the Second Coming, as a punishment for mocking or striking Jesus Christ before the crucifixion. [1/2 definitions]