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bobolink a black, yellow, and white North American migratory songbird, so named for its cry.
diadromous of certain fishes, migratory between fresh and salt water. [1/2 definitions]
harp seal a migratory seal of arctic regions, whose young have white, woolly fur.
hoary bat any of a family of North American migratory bats, often found in the Galápagos Islands.
migrant moving from place to place; migratory. [1/3 definitions]
monarch butterfly a large orange, black, and white migratory butterfly.
nonmigratory combined form of migratory.
peregrine traveling; migratory.
sedentary living in a fixed location; not migratory. [1/3 definitions]
snowy owl a large arctic and subarctic migratory owl that is white with brown markings.
swallow2 any of a number of small migratory birds that have long, pointed wings and often a forked tail, and that are known for their graceful flight. [1/2 definitions]
turnstone any of several small migratory shorebirds that turn over stones to search for food.
visitant a migratory bird or animal that comes to stay for awhile in an area. [1/3 definitions]